Goodreads Book Tag

I was “tagged” after reading Bentley’s article over at Book Bastion and seeing as I am having a dull day in awaiting the gasman, I thought I would give this a go!

1) What was the last book you marked as “read”?

Joe Abercrombie – Before They Are Hanged

“A character-driven fantasy story that is unequaled in the genre. Gripping, gritty, thrilling and pretty damn awesome.” – Excerpt from my review which can be found here.

2. What are you currently reading?

blackwing  dawn  laok

Ed McDonald – Blackwing
Theodore Brun – A Mighty Dawn
Joe Abercrombie – The Last Argument of Kings

3. What was the last book you marked as “to read?”


Nicholas Eames – Kings of the Wyld
Quite a few of my friends seem to be reading and raving about this at the moment. I noticed the author is quite active in a few of the online fantasy circles and groups that I am a member of so decided I would give this book a try shortly.

4. What book do you plan to read next?

My current reads will last me nicely until the end of this Month and then it is all about the books shown here for my Independent Book April.

5. Do you use the star rating system?

I do on Goodreads and rate with a scale out of 10 on my blog. See my about page for more information on my rankings. I have never rated a book 1-star yet as I would probably register that a “did not finish,” I often put books down if I am not feeling it at the moment and reapproach them later. If I tried to read a book two or three times with no success that would be a 1-star rating from me.

6. Are you participating in the 2017 reading challenge?

I am indeed! I have challenged myself to read 77 books and am currently on track having completed 16 so far this year!


7. Do you have a Wishlist?

I treat my “to be read list” as a sort of wishlist. I always try and work out what my next say, 10 books will be but it never works out that smoothly due to buying new books, browsing charity shops for some book gems, review requests or any cool new entries on NetGalley. It is a complex game this book reviewing lark. 🙂

8. What books do you plan to buy next?

stone  OST

Ian C. Esslemont – Stonewielder
Ian C. Esslemont – Orb Sceptre Throne

9. Do you have any favourite quotes?

“Brys, how big do you want to make your escort?”

“Two brigades and two battalions, sire.”

“Is that reasonable?” Tehol asked, looking around.

“I have no idea,” Janath replied. “Bugg?”

“I’m no general, my Queen.”

“We need an expert opinion, then,” said Tehol. “Brys?”
Steven Erikson, Dust of Dreams

“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” ― Voltaire

“All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan

“A book is not supposed to be a mirror. It’s supposed to be a door.”
Fran Lebowitz

10. Who are your favorite authors?

Virgil – – Steven Erikson – – Brandon Sanderson – – Mark Lawrence – – Hunter S. Thompson – – Homer – – Stephen King – – Dante – – Charles Dickens – – Gaston Leroux – – John Gwynne – – Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle

11. Have you joined any groups?

I have but I rarely use them. I tend to discuss with fellow fans on Facebook groups such as Fantasy Faction and The Malazan Empire.

12. How many shelves do you have on Goodreads?

About 40 but I only use my shelves to split up my books via genre. I don’t have any shelves such as 5-star reads, hated this, meh etc… that I see a lot of people with on there.To conclude, this was quite cool to do and now the gas man has been! If you fancy doing this on your blog then let me know in my comments and I will check it out. If we aren’t Goodreads friends then add me on
Peace x


6 thoughts on “Goodreads Book Tag

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  1. 40 shelves?! I admire how organized you are! Every so often I think about going through my shelves to try and break them down and get overwhelmed haha.

    I love that you read so much fantasy! I’ve kind of diverged away from it this year in favor of YA genre reads but I’m planning on getting back into it in a big way come April.


  2. I did this tag a while ago, but my answers are super outdated by now, haha. But it’s a great tag, so I’m glad it’s still making its way around the blogosphere. Sanderson, Doyle, Dante…your favorite authors are top-notch 🙂 I’m just finishing up Dorothy Sayers’ translation of Dante’s Inferno.

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